Space Reservations and Tabling Requests

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Welcome to the Housing and Residential Life Space Reservation form

Before you begin completing this form please note the following:

  • Must be a current University of Miami student.
  • No weekly reoccurring events.
  • We cannot reserve classrooms until after 6 p.m. on weekdays. Classroom space reservations before 6 p.m. are managed by classroom management.
  • All reservations must end no later than 9:30 p.m.
  • Groups must submit their reservation request at least 5 business days in advance. Failure to do will result in the request being denied.
  • UM Student Organizations (including all Greek Letter organizations) are able to table in Residential Colleges and University Village but must follow the guidelines outlined in the request form. Additionally, if a group would like to recruit while tabling, the request will be sent to the Director of Residential Life for approval. Please note there may be a delay in approval.
  • Approved candidates running for Student Government office are eligible to table in Residential Colleges and University Village during the campaigning period but must follow guidelines outlined by the Student Government Elections Commission. Additionally, no campaigning or distribution of campaigning materials is allowed in resident-only areas. Business operations are prohibited. Business operations are defined as any operation of a private or individual business that is not approved for operation by the Associate Vice President for Business Services within University of Miami properties or facilities including, but not limited to, Residence Hall facilities, Greek Organization, the Student Center Complex and the Herbert Wellness Center.

Making a Reservation

  1. Review the Rules and Guidelines for Requests document.
  2. Visit
  3. Click Sign In and log-in with your CaneID and password.
  4. Select the template named Book an Event Space without Services and click Book Now.
  5. Enter the desired date and time, then click Search.
  6. A list of ALL spaces, not just the available ones will show.
  7. Click the + to add rooms to the request and click Next Step.
  8. Next, input all of the details and click Next Step.
  9. Input all of the event details.
  10. When you finish, click Create Reservation.
  11. Once complete, the webpage will display a tentative reservation.
